Pre-requisite: Housekeeping – Basic
Duration: 4 sessions, 3 hours per session (TOTAL 12 Hours)
Course Description:
This module involves a unit of competency that deals with the knowledge and skills required in cleaning public areas, facilities and equipment. It includes selecting and setting up of equipment and materials; cleaning dry and wet areas; and, maintaining and storing cleaning equipment and materials.

Course Objective:
After 4 sessions, the students will be able to:
1. Understand and apply the basic cleaning methods.
2. Identify and give the uses of cleaning materials, tools and equipment.
3. Distinguish and give the uses of the cleaning chemicals
4. Enumerate the public areas in hospitality industry and in other types of industry.
5. Select and set up the appropriate cleaning materials, tools, equipment and chemicals needed for the given tasks.
6. Operate electrically powered cleaning equipment
7. Clean dry and wet areas, facilities and equipment according to standards.
8. Maintain and store cleaning materials, tools and equipment in accordance with the standards.

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